Dear Beloved Daughter of God Mar 21, 2024

Dear Beloved Daughter of God,

Let me remind you of the love our Father has lavished on you.
It's limitless and can NOT be measured!

REFUSE to be led astray by needing others approval.
Stop second guessing your worthiness.

You were created for THIS exact moment, this battle, and this purpose.
You ARE...

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Counting My Blessings: A Journey with God Jan 23, 2024

Dear God,

Thank you for the countless miracles I experience every day. Thank you that I don't have to earn Your love because it's Your abundant grace. Thank you that I have a warm bed, clean drinking water, and hot showers. Thank you that Maverick, in his almost two years of age, has a better...

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Choosing Wipe Outs Over Wine Nov 25, 2023

Today, I’m incredibly relieved and grateful for the strength God gave me these last few days of deep sorrow and temptation. I believe these tough days were full of opportunities to deepen my trust in God and His promises. However, in the moment, these opportunities felt...

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