Dear Beloved Daughter of God

beloved daughter of god chosen courage father god grace light of the world love letter peace purpose strength worthy Mar 21, 2024

Dear Beloved Daughter of God, đź’–

Let me remind you of the love our Father has lavished on you.
It's limitless and can NOT be measured!

REFUSE to be led astray by needing others approval.
Stop second guessing your worthiness.

You were created for THIS exact moment, this battle, and this purpose.
You ARE the Light. Don't hide or dim it by allowing fear in.

BE strong and courageous.
RECEIVE the immeasurable love God has for you.
He's already given you His Spirit, one of Power.

And don't be surprised when the world hates you.

But remember, Jesus already overcame the world and all it's troubles.
You are IN union with Jesus - given this exact destiny, God will fulfill through you.

YOU are beautiful, bold, and destined for His great work... today!


Your Sister in Jesus, Whit

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