Divine Encounters: Embracing His Love Mar 19, 2024

Sunday I walked into church with a heavy heart, crushed spirit, and exhausted.

Sometimes life has a way of beating you up, stealing peace, and drowning all hope.

My spirit craved to get lost in Gods presence. As much as I listen to worship and praise music, there's something about...

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Counting My Blessings: A Journey with God Jan 23, 2024

Dear God,

Thank you for the countless miracles I experience every day. Thank you that I don't have to earn Your love because it's Your abundant grace. Thank you that I have a warm bed, clean drinking water, and hot showers. Thank you that Maverick, in his almost two years of age, has a better...

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My Revelations: Unleash Your Potential with God in 2024 Jan 04, 2024

Jake and I were driving when he said, “why don’t you take the truck-camper to go camping for a few days by yourself. I think it’d be really good to have the time with God and yourself. You only lose both of your parents once.”


When he said that my heart leaped,...

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The Writers Journey & Reveling in Splendor Dec 19, 2023

Writing for a blog (even though it's my own) is harder than I anticipated. 

In the process to quiet my life, I'd gotten off all social media and limited my consumption of t.v. and podcasts. A nudge from God and cry for inner silence from the constant chatter and...

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