Divine Encounters: Embracing His Love

abandon crying divine encounters fear gods faithfulness healing hurting peace prayer presence shame trauma worship Mar 19, 2024

Sunday I walked into church with a heavy heart, crushed spirit, and exhausted.

Sometimes life has a way of beating you up, stealing peace, and drowning all hope.

My spirit craved to get lost in Gods presence. As much as I listen to worship and praise music, there's something about worshipping in a corporate setting that brings a power of His healing touch, you often don't get alone.

As the worship band played, my heart felt tender and soul was ministered to. It was amazing!
Tears streamed down my face, I didn't care who saw me ugly-cry.

Then the song, Abandoned, by Benjamin Hastings - singing the powerful words, "I'm completely, deeply, don't-care-who-sees-me, abandoned."


It felt like Jesus was standing next to me with his hand on my heart as I wept uncontrollably. It felt so intimate, even in a room with hundreds of people. I was being personally ministered to.

How could this be?

Gods Spirit, the Holy Spirit, gives us Divine encounters.

Experiencing the love of Jesus, through the Person of the Holy Spirit, is powerful, full of intimacy, tenderness, and kindness. 

Romans 8: 26 says "And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groaning that cannot be expressed in words." 


Personally, when I am in the Presence of God I usually cry. It's not always tears of sadness, sometimes it's pure awe, or other times from experiencing so much love. I cherish these precious moments and crave them. 

On Sunday, I felt so seen by God, like He noticed my state, then chose to minister to me when I didn't know what to say to Him. I left church knowing everything was going to be OK because God has me. 

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever" Psalms 136:1 shares character traits about God- He's good and faithful. 

Life is hard. The more I press into Jesus, instead of running to the false comforts of this world, the more I experience His radical love, goodness, and faithfulness - Divine encounters. 


Over the last few years, I've asked God for two things; increase my desire to know Him more intimately and allow me to experience more of His love. 

Praying for these two things, I can see how my desire to prioritize more time to seek His Presence has increased and in return He has given me more experiences of His Presence.

These Divine encounters are healing, from the inside out. There's nothing like them.

My problems may not disappear but my anxiety, sadness, hopeless, or discouragement lifts, like a cloud moving from over the sun. In that regard, it does fix my problems because I'm living from a different experience. 

He invites you into the same Divine encounters of His love.


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for sending us the Holy Spirit. Thank You for being faithful, good, and that your love endures forever. Help me to desire You more than anything else, so I seek Your Presence. Allow me to experience even more of Your love, so it changes me from the inside out. Holy Spirit come do what only You can do - heal, minister, sanctify, and transform me. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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