4 Myths about Weight Loss get BUSTED by Whit

Nov 23, 2021

The thing about myths is that they tend to keep us in a box.  Then we use the limits of the box to determine if we’re doing good or bad - and if we are or are not capable of success in the future.

In this episodes, Whit Busts these FOUR MYTHS about weightloss

  1. I MUST eat perfectly at least 80% of the time to lose weight
  2. I MUST workout 3-5 times per week to lose weight
  3. I MUST become a “health freak” to lose weight
  4. I MUST shame myself for errors so that I can stay accountable in order to lose weight.

Any of these seem true to you?

Yeah ...that’s the thing about myths.  The problem is that we believe them.


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