Allowing Disappointment

emotional fuel examples of possible Oct 21, 2020
Allowing Disappointment - A very personal look into Whit's personal process


BIG BELIEF is just so scary because it creates opportunity for BIG DISAPPOINTMENT!  I suppose you could just believe small, achieve small, love small, and live small, but if you're reading this - those kinds of solutions are not an option for you!

The best solution is to build your CAPACITY to feel disappointment so that when it does show up, it doesn't have such a devastating impact.  

How do you do that?  You FEEL it!  You don't buffer it, you don't resist it, and you don't appease it.  You ALLOW it.

In this episode Whit discusses the BIG DISAPPOINTMENT she felt after choosing the BIG BELIEF that she was pregnant.  She holds nothing back as she walks you through the practical steps and the emotional experience of befriending her disappointment.

"As I continue to practice allowing ALL emotion, my life gets fuller, richer, and more authentic." - Whit

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