Is Backwards Really Worse?

Jul 13, 2020
Is Backwards Really Worse? Better...worse... it turns out only you can choose



Whit and I went on a 5-day mountain climbing expedition.  There were so many things that happened, so many choices that had outcomes, so many times we tried to evaluate if those outcomes were better or worse than before we took action.  At the end of the day, things that we thoughts were great were more of a hindrance once we knew the whole story, and by the same token, things that we thoughts were errors turned out to be JUST, the outcomes that ensured a successful summit of THE TALLEST MOUNTAIN in the Lower 48 States.
What's the tallest mountain in your life?  Ready to climb it?
Today is the day to take a small step in the right direction and start your transformational journey! Schedule your breakthrough session here: 

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Jesus has you on your own path, but that doesn't mean it has to be lonely.

If you're thinking its time...


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