Episode #51 Aim before you Shoot

Oct 04, 2018

There is no doubt that life is about 97% journey and only 3% destination, but it's really important you choose a destination before you start your journey.  Your journey WILL take you somewhere, so its a smart move to take the time to aim at where the somewhere is.

It can be as simple as a calendar - simply deciding in advance how my time will be allocated the next day gives me the awesome experience of being able to quiet the mind chatter of "what should I be doing right now?" and, instead, just do what the calendar says.  Planning takes about 20 minutes and following that plan is a 24 hour journey of tasks and events ...there is no question that I want to do everything I can to make sure that 24 hour journey is the enjoyable because it is MOST of my life experience.  So even though I stay focused on enjoying the process, the process becomes automatically easier to enjoy when I know it's leading me in the right direction!

Take the time to choose your destination, THEN love the path that gets you there.

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Jesus has you on your own path, but that doesn't mean it has to be lonely.

If you're thinking its time...


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