Christmas: A Celebration of Life's Ups and Downs

Dec 11, 2023

Today, I want to share highlights from last week to expose what celebrating Christmas can look like in the midst of real life. Hopefully it inspires you to create space for the ups and downs of life, especially in this season, to appear and to slow down to enjoy the contrast of the hard and easy, the good and the bad. 


Christmas is the season of my Savior. 

Still, day by day, I process the death of my mom.

Feeling orphaned.

New revelations and self-awareness pour in.

Stacked hours driving in our Truck-camper.

Be still. Just BE.

Tears that seem endless. 

Thanking God for this pain. 

Reminding myself of His faithfulness.

Trusting God will take my sadness and use it for good.

New fear revealed, exposed, to be healed.

Mountains and ocean waves remind me of His Grandness. I sit for hours in Awe.

Spirit come and move. 

Many abundant blessings flow into my life. I'm not worthy of them all.

Family hugs, laughter, and memories made. 

New clothes. A magical shopping date with Jake.

Reflect and celebrate Gods faithfulness through out the last year. It's only His goodness.

Maverick laughs, learns, and brings joy into each room.

Cousins play, creating bonds of love.

Gifts wrapped, then given to the poor. Little boys filled with joy again.

Compassion fills the air.

Spirit come and move.

God, You crowned me with love and mercy. I'm not worthy of this.

So, let my life glorify You. Let all that I am glorify You.

Your love has changed me from the inside.

Thank You for this beautiful contrast. 

Relationships die and new ones start. 

Your faithfulness is marked all through me. 

Spirit come and move. 


Dear Jesus,

Thank You for allowing me share in the contrast of life: both the hardships and joys. Thank You for being my Savior, so this season I have hope in every hopeless situation and I can just focus on Your goodness. Help me to always see how You're working in every area of my life. Let Your supernatural levels of joy and peace be steadfast each day. Holy Spirit come now, fill me up completely, so people see evidence of Your love in me. In Your Powerful Name, Amen. 


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