Do Not Fear Your Trials

Mar 22, 2024

Dear Beautiful Daughter of God, 💖

Remember, when you are called to endure trials and conflicts, you have NOT one thing to fear.
God is WITH you and you are loved with an everlasting LOVE.

Today, Jesus, lives His life THROUGH you. Each step you take, He is with you - GIVING you exactly what you need.

His, life-giving Spirit, imparts strength, courage, and peace to you because you are FULLY accepted by God - the Creator of all.

Be fully convinced, that every detail of your life, even your misfortunes and shame, are continually woven together for good, according to His purpose.

Today, agree and declare - who God says you are:

💖You are more than a conqueror.
💖You have the mind of Christ.
💖You are victorious.
💖You are full of hope!

I'm incredibly grateful that you keep putting your trust in Jesus.
Your courage encourages me each, today. 🥰

With love,
Your sister in Christ, Whit


Heavenly Father, 

Thank you for Jesus, our Lord and Savior, and everything He gave us access to. Help me to live according to Your word and not according to my trials or tribulations. Holy Spirit, please give me a fresh anointing of courage, strength, and wisdom today, to walk by faith and in obedience to Your voice. In Jesus Name. Amen

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