Catching the Wave - Goats, Gas Stations, and God's Grace
Oct 14, 2024
You know it's going to be an epic trip when the rental shop owner stares at you blankly and says, "No one’s ever done that before." That’s exactly how this adventure kicked off when Abi and Tiara explained their noble reason for renting the paddleboards. This wasn’t just any paddle—it was prayer on water with some serious Kingdom impact.
Two days earlier, we loaded up the camper and embarked on a five-hour drive to Capitola, California. The plan was genius—or so we thought. We’d park at the Dedmon’s condo, use the unlocked downstairs bathroom (because public restrooms are so 2023), and survive the weekend fasting from sugar and coffee. Yup, we packed an entire camper full of snacks I don't normally eat and paddleboards we hoped to use.
After meeting up with the team, we headed to Moss Landing to catch some waves. Naturally, we saw jellyfish, blew off steam, surfed some wind chopped waves, and high-fived each other for surviving the freeway traffic. But the real chaos began when we regrouped back at the condo. The next morning, while the world was still asleep, Whit and I took Maverick for a walk through the sleepy streets of Capitola. Surfers were already out, and the smell of cinnamon rolls tempted our sugar-free, caffeine-deprived souls. As we returned, the debate began—go now or wait for better conditions? North to south? South to north?
Eventually, the team rallied on a beautiful grassy patch near Jesus Lovers Point. (Yes, that's the real name, because God is fun.) Paddles were counted, boards pumped up, and prayers said. But there was one tiny twist—I wasn’t paddling. Childcare had thrown us a curveball, so I took my role as “Team Chauffeur and Snack Provider” while Whit went off to adventure with the Catch the Wave crew.
I watched them set out like a proud dad at a Little League game, whispering prayers and snapping photos. My mission? Fill up the truck with diesel, grab gas station snacks for the kids, and head to the extraction point. Easy enough, right? Well, buckle up.
Just as I was about to take off, my phone buzzed. Abi and Tiara were coming back in from the paddle NOW and needed a ride. Sure! No problem! Except now, I was coordinating with Jacob (a 15-year-old who was transporting goats—yes, GOATS—in a car with surfboards on top). And just to make it even more interesting, Andrew tagged along in a third vehicle, praying as we caravanned from spot to spot like a bizarre mix of Fast and Furious meets Noah’s Ark.
First stop: a gas station. No diesel. Tight squeeze with the camper, but we survived. On to the next gas station—too small. No diesel again. The convoy was getting restless as the promised snacks were now 45 min late, so I promised snacks and a 7-Eleven pit stop. Finally filled up (hallelujah!), but the surfboards on the car Abi was driving were about to fall off, so we rerouted to save the day.
Fast-forward to goats grazing by the beach, kids playing in the ocean, and me using a surfboard as a makeshift rail to keep Maverick from rolling out of bed during his nap. Everything was running (somewhat) smoothly until—buzz. The wind was too strong, waves too high, and the team was calling it in. Time to pick up the paddlers …at a new extraction point.
As I rounded up the kids and woke Maverick from his nap, I braced myself for the arrival of the crew. They rolled in with the kind of wild-eyed energy only an adventure with God can give. Stories tumbled out—Whit nearly getting trapped in her dry bag, waves swallowing paddleboards whole, and Matt shivering in his board shorts after multiple wipeouts.
That night, we debriefed, laughing about the near-misses and marveling at how Jesus met us in the chaos. My favorite part was listening to the stories of Whitney and Julia’s unstoppable prayers & declarations out there on the water. That’s the stuff of Heaven on Earth.
At the end of the day, this wasn’t just a paddleboard trip. It was an adventure with God—a reminder that faith, like the ocean, is wild, unpredictable, and full of beauty. And sometimes, it involves goats, gas stations, and a whole lot of grace.
Catch the Wave, live the adventure, and never underestimate the power of a paddleboard and a prayer.
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