How I met Whit

Jun 07, 2022

On May 27th 2016 I sent a message to one "Whitney Joeckel" on the dating app Ok Cupid. May 28th she responded ...and May 30th we met in person for the first time. But here's the crazy part ...on May 26th I was completely unaware that Whit existed and I had tons of stories about what was possible for me, what limits were "just facts" about my life, and what my best course of action was for the life that was in front of me.

It was all 100% WRONG!!

With that experience in my back pocket, I reflect on the lessons I learned from it each May 26th. So now - 6 years later - this is what I want to offer to you:

1. "Behind" isn't real
2. You're not as smart as you think you are
3. Real faith surrenders control
4. Confidence comes from your self talk ...and ONLY from your self talk

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