How to Overcome "Impossible"

emotional fuel examples of possible Aug 12, 2020
How to overcome impossible - Learn to adjust your fuel


As Whit and I get back to life after taking 12 teenagers on a 7-day wilderness adventure, we reflect on some of the insights that came up while the kids were staring at challenges with NO BELIEF that success was possible.  Then what they learned as they leaned into the impossible hard enough to make it possible.

The key is the fuel ...the emotion ...the feeling that you are experience as you are taking on a difficult challenge.  I KNOW you have a "mountain" of your own - that challenge in your own life that just looks impossible from here.  I believe that these lesson learned in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California are the same lessons that help you to climb yours.

Check out our Group Coachng Membership whereĀ YOUR dreams meet GOD's vision - Team up with otherĀ Believers as we walk out parallel calls shoulder to shoulder.

Jesus has you on your own path, but that doesn't mean it has to be lonely.

If you're thinking its time...


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