Life with Maverick Jon: Mindset Shifts in Real Time

Apr 20, 2022

We are currently 4 weeks into a MASSIVE life change as we are raising our son Maverick Jon.

Whit delivered Maverick on March 21st at 1:06pm and he was 1 foot 9 inches tall and weighed in at 8lbs 5oz

Since then - life has been a whirlwind of gratitude, doubts, immeasurable blessings, and overwhelming fears.  We know we have amazing mindset skills …and we know that sleep is REQUIRED if we’re going to access them.  And this poses a problem

Bottom line is that Whitney and I are practicing what we preach (we’re pulling out every tool in the bag) and we decided to invite you in to peek behind the curtain and see how we do mindset in work in real time.

Check it out - take a little time to explore how default thinking can show up even in the midst of amazing miracles, and what you can do in those moments to take back your authority over your felt experience of live and REMAIN STEADFAST!!

Check out our Group Coachng Membership whereĀ YOUR dreams meet GOD's vision - Team up with otherĀ Believers as we walk out parallel calls shoulder to shoulder.

Jesus has you on your own path, but that doesn't mean it has to be lonely.

If you're thinking its time...


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