Episode #42 Pride in the Process

Aug 02, 2018


When I was in high school, I didn't have a curfew - I had to have a PLAN.  I was allowed to experience life, I was allowed to have fun, I was allowed to take risks ...but my parents had to know my plan. 

As youth ministers they had heard the same song too many times following a life altering bad decision:

"What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't"

Major consequences from not thinking.  To combat this, I HAD to have a plan.  I had to think in advance about what I would be doing, the choices I would be making, and the risks I would be taking.  As long as i stuck to the plan, I was OK.  When my friends tempted me to stray from the plan - it was easy for me to resist because I LOVED the freedom I had to make any plan I wanted.  I wasn't willing to trade the momentary satisfaction of "a little fun" for the lifestyle I had created.  I loved my plan - and I took pride in my plan.  My parents fostered in me a pride in my process, the mindset to simply do what the plan says to do.  

It probably saved my life in high school ...and still shapes my life on a daily basis.  Thanks mom and dad.

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