Scrolling for Outrage: Empowering Social Media Offend You Daily

Aug 29, 2024

Have you ever noticed how scrolling through social media can feel like a quest for the perfect trigger?  ...just me?  :)

It’s almost as if we’re not satisfied until we stumble upon that one comment or post that hits just the right nerve. We scroll past awesome sports reels, inspiring quotes, and beautiful mountain landscapes, but the moment we see a post that sparks even a flicker of irritation, we stop. It’s like a perverse kind of satisfaction, the way we dive into the comments section, seeking out that one hot take or poorly-worded opinion that we know will get under our skin.

We know that diving into certain topics or engaging with specific profiles is likely to lead to a minor (or major) offense, yet we do it anyway. Maybe it’s the rush of righteous indignation, the thrill of feeling wronged, or the validation that comes from sharing our outrage with others. It's a strange ritual for sure …and it is robbing us of traction in our pursuit of our God given purpose.

Look - I’m as guilty as anyone.  I see that post about an athlete glorifying Jesus with the platform she’s given after breaking the world record & the “comments” button seems to grab me by the shirt and say, “you’re coming with me.” 

Why? To share support and encouragement for this champion who has inspired me?  No - of course not.  It’s to read the comment from the dude who says “Oh great - another dumb athlete talking to her imaginary friend.”  Then I get to read all the followup comments from the people who put on their capes and swoop in to rescue Jesus' good name …because we all know that Jesus would rather be defended than have us show love to an enemy - oh wait.  


We humans are experts at casting ourselves as victims and rewriting narratives that put us in the center of injustices. And we can repaint our anger or hatred of someone — say, anyone who threatens us — into a righteous-looking work of art. And yet, remarkably, in Jesus’ teaching, there is no allowance for “Okay, well, if someone really is a jerk, then yeah — you need to be offended.” 

 We’re flat-out told to forgive, even — especially! — the very stuff that’s understandably maddening and legitimately offensive. (Brant Hanson in his book "Unoffendable")

 The thing that you think makes your anger “righteous” is the very thing you are called to forgive.

Jake - that can't be right.  What does the bible say?

The anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. (Mic Drop) James 1:20 ESV

“Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.” Proverbs 19:11


I know what you’re thinking - thanks for the sermon Jake, but how is this going to help me live a faith filled life in pursuit of God’s purpose for me life?  I’m glad you asked.


Distilled down to the core answer - your offense hunt is not only distracting you from pursuing God’s purpose for your life, it is numbing a Holy Spirit nudge to take action - Spirit action.  You know...

  • prayer
  • surrender
  • active trust of the author of life.

Our spirit recognizes a need for response to a situation and our social media outrage allows us to indulge in the fantasy that we have done something about it.


Remember that time that a person who disagreed with you pointed out how stupid were and you thanked them before changing your heart?  Yeah me neither …yet I somehow think that beating people into submission in a Facebook comment fight is advancing the Kingdom???  Come on!!!

The enemy dangled the bait and I bit down on the hook as hard as I could - end of story.  I can either try to and make believe there’s NOT a hook in my mouth in a feeble attempt to protect my ego, or I can repent and let my loving dad remove it with an understanding smile.


Here’s your mission if you choose to accept it:  A 7 DAY COMMENT FAST

Leave a heart, a mad face, that yellow thing hugging a heart if you really feel a connection.  Shoot - you can even comment without breaking the fast - but under no circumstances will you READ a comment for 7 days.


What do you think? Hit reply and let me know - I’d love to hear and I promise I won’t be offended.

AND - if you decide to join the fast, jump into the Facebook Group “Explore Steadfast” and share any revelations, difficulties, or wins.  I want all the details because I won’t be reading comments.

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