The Devil is in the Assumptions

Feb 15, 2022

Powerful question - is that 100% true?  Because if it’s not, then its not a fact - it’s a choice

We make the choice (consciously or subconsciously), then we never look back and think it was a fact.  No problem - unless its a problem and I start believing that dreams of mine are impossible because of these “facts” I have chosen over the past 30 years.

Here’s what I want you to try:

  1. Think about your dream or goal and why it is difficult to achieve
  2. Set a timer for 5 minutes and write down EVERY sentence that comes to mind
  3. Read them and find one or two that might be excuses or limitations
  4. Ask yourself: “Is that 100% true?” …and if it’s not, then
  5. Ask yourself: “Do I want to keep on choosing that belief?”

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