Episode #63 Our Fears from this Year Dec 27, 2018

Plan - Execute - Evaluate - Adjust - Repeat

As 2018 comes to an end, Whitney and Jake invite you into the conversation as they look back at the fears that threatened to keep them stuck in 2018.  Enjoy the conversation ...but more importantly, let it spark your own.  What did your...

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Episode #62 Fear in the Arena Dec 20, 2018



“If you have declared war against the primary part of you called fear, and that war is now playing out in your mind, you’re spending a lot of energy fighting that war.  That doesn’t leave a lot of energy for you to compete in your sport. In many ways, over...

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Episode #61 Attention, Uncertainty, Change, and Struggle Dec 13, 2018

What are you scared of?  ...the list is pretty standard.  Spiders, snakes, clowns, the dark, and tight spaces.  My guess is that THOSE are not the fears that are keeping you from your dreams.

"I WOULD try out for the play ...but there might be a spider, and I don't like how dark...

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Episode #60 Don't Make Fear Mean Don't Dec 06, 2018

When you look at the role fear makes in your decision making, do you ever give it magical powers?  Sometimes I do.  I'll have an idea about something I can build or create.  Maybe a unique way that I can offer value to the world - and I'll feel fear.  Then I have thoughts...

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Episode #58 Holiday Traditions vs Healthy Habits Nov 22, 2018


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Episode #57 Creating that Christmas Connection Nov 15, 2018


My family has celebrated the holidays with church services, gifts, lip-sync contests, polka dancing, sporting events, Christmas cookies, movie marathons, sleep-overs, all night video game marathons, trips to Disneyland, family skits, days at the beach, hiking, rock climbing, Christmas...

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Episode #56 Story Time: The Story you Tell about You - Part 4 Nov 08, 2018


The first time I heard this famous quote from Teddy Roosevelt I was in Mr Barry's class in high school in 1991.  He was an inspirational teacher to me and this quote connected with me on a deep level.  There was a seed planted that day - and in 1995, it became the permanent...

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Episode #55 Story Time: The Story you Tell about You - Part 3 Nov 01, 2018



In this episode, I asked Whitney about the difficulty she found while she was still living in one story, but attempting to write ...and BELIEVE a new one.  She came up with insightful defense mechanisms that her brain used to keep her safe and stuck.

Thoughts like:

"What are...

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Episode #54 Story Time: The Story you Tell about You - Part 2 Oct 25, 2018


This is how super heroes are formed:

1. Tragic event

2. Discovery of "new normal"

3. Resistance ...why can't things just be the way they were?

4. The epiphany, "Wait a minute ...I can help people & save lives.  This isn't a curse, it's a gift!!!"

This is their "Origin Story" -...

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Episode #53 Story Time: The Story you Tell about You - Part 1 Oct 18, 2018


Throughout my childhood I was cut from teams, I made errors that let my team down, I was frustrated to tears when a skill I was working on eluded me, I ended up in last place, I wasn't "picked" by my friends, I was laughed at for making mistakes, and I even lost control of my emotions and...

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The Trip that Altered Me Forever Oct 16, 2018

I don’t know about you, but when I see people who surf, climb mountains or seek out challenges that require facing fear and discomfort- I WANT what they have, but I tell myself “it’s just not MY thing.

That spirit of adventure, courage, and freedom is so attractive to...

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Episode #52 Perfect Plans may not be Perfect Oct 11, 2018


"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing."

- Theodore Roosevelt 

Whether it's building with instructions, driving with directions, or working out with an...

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