I have Jesus - Why would I need a Life Coach? Sep 06, 2022

Of course - Jesus is the answer, I want to find my joy in Jesus, I want to put my worth in Jesus, Jesus is trustworthy therefore I never need to worry, and I am righteous because of Him.  Soooooo I guess I don’t need a coach …but I do

The main reason - because God chose to...

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And the Greatest of these is LOVE Aug 30, 2022

FAITH - Is the belief that, when you seek it with Himt, your vision will be provided to you by God, not because you're so awesome at creating it, but because He is so awesome at gifting it.

HOPE - Is the vision. Your faith gives you permission to hope bigger than your capabilities and then...

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5 Reasons to NOT Hire a Life Coach Aug 23, 2022

  1. Your desire for the breakthrough is less than your desire for another purchase
  2. You can make the change on your own
  3. You already provide more accountability to yourself than you care to have
  4. You know that someone else’s path to success is not the same as yours
  5. You are not looking to inflate...
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Don’t Watch this if you Don’t want to Stop Overeating Aug 16, 2022

We eat food because we desire it

We over eat food because we over desire it

Over desire is caused by 3 factors:

  1. Hormones
  2. Patterns
  3. Unpleasant Emotions

Every GOOD life coach already knows this and can help you lower that desire, but what does it look like to take this incredible knowledge from...

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Mindfulness is Trusting God Aug 09, 2022

“Have faith in God.” - Jesus

What if trusting God is the greatest gift I can offer Him?  In that case the more dire the situation, the more honoring the trust.

So how cool would it be to adjust the way you see the world in such a way that you ACTUALLY believe that God works ALL...

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Forgive Yourself Aug 09, 2022

One of the most important questions that Whit and I are called on to answer is, “How do I forgive myself?”

In this video, I break the process down into 4 parts.

First - let’s get clear on the general idea of forgiveness toward others

Second - we’ll take a look at the...

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You’re not REALLY going to Quit Jul 19, 2022

Last Saturday I reached the top of Lone Pine Peak alongside Renee Watson and my daughter, Paige Roehl.  When we reached the bottom, Paige said, “Dad, that was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

After we had water and food, I asked Renee and Paige if they would share some...

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How to Play Jul 12, 2022

We all KNOW the benefits of play …

Reduced stress, recharge, increased ability to be present, access to flow state, increased creativity and innovation …and a more fun life!!!

…but so many of us don’t know how to do it, or are unwilling to prioritize it over...

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The Mindset of Caylea Hering Jun 28, 2022

Caylea is an up and coming pop artist who writes, performs, and produces her own music …and it all started because the family iMac her parents purchased for the family came loaded with Garage Band.

Caylea was courageous enough to peel back the curtain with full vulnerability to share her...

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My Shoutout to Joyce Meyer Jun 21, 2022

I recently read the book: Mind, Mouth, Mood, and Attitude and had my mind blown.  Here are some of the things Joyce said that made me smile with excitement.

Check it out for yourself:  https://www.amazon.com/Mind-Mouth-Moods-Attitudes-audiobook/dp/B01AYA38I6

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Trust U - Christian Life Coaching Jun 14, 2022

We run into Christians who have some questions that usually fit in 1 of 2 basic categories:

  1. I have Jesus, why would I need coaching, plus, isn’t it kind of idolatrous to be thinking I can “self-help”
  2. Are you just going to tell me to pray about it and that it’s all part...
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How I met Whit Jun 07, 2022

On May 27th 2016 I sent a message to one "Whitney Joeckel" on the dating app Ok Cupid. May 28th she responded ...and May 30th we met in person for the first time. But here's the crazy part ...on May 26th I was completely unaware that Whit existed and I had tons of stories about what was possible...

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