The Unseen Threat to your Relationship May 28, 2020

Discomfort is the currency for growth and relationships are no exception.  The first step to accessing that growth is to resist the temptation to buffer that discomfort - in a relationship, buffering can be exceptionally damaging.  If you're concerned about anxiety, resentment, or...

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Consistency and Self Trust May 02, 2020

The ability to do what you say you're going to do breaks through the dam that is holding back your potential.  How many times have you given up on your plan, or failed to make a plan a plan at all?

Whether you are pursuing an increase in performance in your health, your business, or or your...

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The Space Between Apr 06, 2020


This isn't new to you - you've already had events in your life that made you feel as if everything was course, there's too much uncertainty, I'm isolated, I am limited, and this is going to hold me back.  If you had to do that time over again, how would you want to come out on the...

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The RE-Frame Mar 23, 2020


If you ever felt like you're just trying to survive terrible circumstances - take the time to check this out.  I promise, I'm not going to tell you that terrible stuff isn't terrible ...but I'm going to show you that there is MORE to the story than the terrible you're staring at.

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Allowing the TOUGH Emotion Mar 03, 2020


When you've done this work for a bit, you learn that you have a lot of say of what emotions you live from, but shouldn't we be feeling the emotions that are a natural part of life?  That's a big yes and it can get a little complicated - so let's un-complicate it!!

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Whit's Search for Meaning Feb 20, 2020


The lesson to hold on to our value rather hand it over to others might be the most difficult, yet important lesson we learn in life.  Sometimes those moments where our worth seems to be stomped on and thrown away can be the most empowering when we are willing to take 100%...

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PEEERRRFECT Feb 06, 2020


It's the question that reveals your thinking - Is perfection unattainable ...or is everything always perfect?  Who decides?  And what is the danger of simply believing it's all been perfect up to this point?

Dive in - let's find out!!

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Eye Discipline Jan 22, 2020


There is a MASSIVELY underrated skill in sports that coaches refer to as "EYE DISCIPLINE" - this is the skill of being in charge of where you are looking and it can be the difference between victory and defeat.

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It will Probably be OK Jan 06, 2020


What if when you boil it all down, anxiety is simply the inability or unwillingness to imagine being OK?  What if imagining the future going well is a skill?  What if the secret ingredient to that skill is the belief that even if whatever comes next does NOT go as expected,...

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The Power of Communicating with your Subconscious Mind Dec 12, 2019


It turns out that SUB-conscious is a terrible name because the subconscious mind is a powerful beast.  Unfortunately, we tend to go through a lot of our lives without offering the proper guidance to move this incredible power in the direction we choose.

In this episode, learn to...

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Expectations. Reality. Standards. Gratitude Nov 28, 2019


I promise this isn't your run of the mill "count your blessings" take on gratitude.  The question is, when reality and your expectations do not align, which do blame for your missing gratitude?

For my math people...

  • R(x) << E(x) = Tragedy
  • R(x) < E(x) ...
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Growth and God Nov 13, 2019


Meet Austin Fischer, Pastor at The Vista Community Church in Temple TX and author of Faith in the Shadows.

Do you ever struggle with the tension between Life Coaching and Faith?

  • I feel empowered when I take responsibility for my success ...but I'm supposed to give the glory to God.
  • I...
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