Episode #51 Aim before you Shoot Oct 04, 2018

There is no doubt that life is about 97% journey and only 3% destination, but it's really important you choose a destination before you start your journey.  Your journey WILL take you somewhere, so its a smart move to take the time to aim at where the somewhere is.

It can be as simple as a...

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Episode #49 Its going to take a little Courage Sep 20, 2018


I'll keep this short and sweet - life is a process, not a result.  When you climb a mountain you spend 97% of your time getting up or getting down, but only 3% on the top.  Life is the same, there are times when we have those "I have arrived" type moments, but they are short...

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Episode # 48: When it Feels Good to Feel Bad Sep 13, 2018


Whether working with clients or navigating our own journey, it seems that Whitney and I spend a lot of time talking about the feelings that aren't serving us and how to choose thoughts that give us access to feelings that DO serve us.  

There are feelings, like worry, that are...

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Episode #47 Believe something you've never believed Sep 06, 2018


When I was 13 years old, I was 4'-11", I was a freshman in high school, and I weighed 95lbs.  If you asked me if I was planning to play football - I would look at you sideways and tell you there was not a chance.  If you pressed about any other sports, I'd tell you I was going...

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BLOG: Lies I Believed so I Wouldn't Feel a Need to Change Sep 04, 2018

This past week was both a celebration and time of reflection. A bittersweet for sure.

It reminded me of the two different people I've had the experience of being. 

Here's what I mean.

Do you ever look at pictures of yourself and think back to how you were feeling?

I do. So powerful- right?

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Episode #46 Bold Choice Aug 30, 2018

Once just a kid who played a little volleyball in Chicago, Kevin Barnett made the BOLD move to California at the age of 18 with no home, no job, no connections, and no plans ...well, no plans except to play professional volleyball.  

Now, the 2 time Olympian is the voice of the AVP -...

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Episode #45 Take a "Pass" on the Pity Party Aug 23, 2018



None of us are going to brag about allowing self-pity to invade our lives, but for some reason, from time to time, we find ourselves right in the middle of a pity party we are throwing for ourselves?  Why do I do that???

Basically - it's the same reason I give into any...

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Episode #44 Lessons from Langley Aug 16, 2018



It turns out the mountain is one heck of a teacher...

Renee:  It's not just that I CAN do hard things, I WANT to do hard things

Gary:  I have to take a challenge as big as this and break it into small pieces.  Then as I go from one small piece to the next, I...

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BLOG: Say Yes to Hard Things... You'll Thank Yourself Aug 15, 2018

Have you ever said “yes” to doing something when you didn’t know exactly what it would require from you?

That’s exactly what saying yes to climbing my first fourteener was like when I said “yes, I’d love to do that… SOMEDAY.” When those words came...

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Episode #43 Positive Self-Talk: Examples of Mastery Aug 09, 2018

It has been said that 93% of communication is non verbal and 53% of that is body language.  The funny thing about communication is that our tone and our body language not only communicate to those around us, but to ourselves as well.

The same is true for my self-talk ...it turns out it's...

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Episode #42 Pride in the Process Aug 02, 2018


When I was in high school, I didn't have a curfew - I had to have a PLAN.  I was allowed to experience life, I was allowed to have fun, I was allowed to take risks ...but my parents had to know my plan. 

As youth ministers they had heard the same song too many times following a...

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Episode #41 How to Think Powerfully Aug 02, 2018


You're at the head of the class and you notice 3 students near the back fighting to hold back smiles.  They're not breaking any rules ...but they are clearly attempting to hide something.  Your mind starts spinning.  Is my zipper down, is there food on my face? 


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