Ask Steadfast - Believing after failing and good thoughts about bad stuff Mar 10, 2021


  1. How can I believe that I can accomplish something I've never accomplished before or failed at repeatedly?

  2. How can I be optimistic about 2021 when 2020 was so measurably bad?


Would you like to have Whit and Jake by your side as you build the consistency required to...

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Ask Steadfast: Goals - How to decrease pressure while maintaining motivation Mar 03, 2021



1. I don't really LIKE to set goals, they give me a lot of pressure. Do I NEED to set goals?

2. If it's not about the goal, then HOW do you stay motivated day in and day out?

Would you like to have Whit and Jake by your side as you build the consistency required to live...

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Stop Thinking POORLY About You Feb 23, 2021

How you think about you makes a difference.


This has been one of the biggest learning curves. I grew up in a dysfunctional household with alcoholics, so stability and safety felt like a luxury. It was more of a special occasion rather than a normality. I know I’m not alone in this...

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Ask Steadfast - How to balance self worth and your worth in Christ - also how is Jake so funny? Feb 20, 2021



1. How do I have SELF-worth when my faith says I am worthy only through Jesus?

2. Whit - is it hard to get stuff done when you're always around Jake, and he's so funny? Do sometimes spend the whole day laughing?

Would you like to have Whit and Jake by your side as you...

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Ask Steadfast - Our Business is a Love Story Feb 10, 2021

From the way we met to our decision to take on the entrepreneur journey to God's favor as we connected with Brooke Castillo to the importance of our faith in both our business and our marriage - this has been the ride of a lifetime, and we wanted to highlight THE LOVE.

Want to check...

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Ask Steadfast - How to forgive when it's hard and stay process focused when results ARE measured Feb 03, 2021


How do I forgive someone who has actually wronged me without letting them walk all over me?

My kid plays sports and I want them to be process focused, but they are ACTUALLY judged based on their results by coaches, teammates, and even the community. How do I do that?


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Ask Steadfast - Judgements of Others and Feeling Annoyed Jan 27, 2021

Whit and Jake are Christian Life Coaches and owners at Steadfast Life Coaching.  

In this video series they answer YOUR questions for your entertainment as well as your growth.  


My mom is rude and judgmental.  Do you have any suggestions besides avoiding...

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Ask Steadfast - Annoying People and Self Worth meets Strength in Christ Jan 22, 2021


Whit and Jake are Life Coaches and owners at Steadfast Life Coaching.  

In this video series they answer YOUR questions for your entertainment as well as your growth.  

EPISODE QUESTIONS:  How do you two work together day after day, then continue to hang out after work...

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Stop the Pain and Start the Healing Jan 18, 2021

Since, my sophomore year in high school I felt an inner pain that I wanted to escape. The pain stemmed from unresolved childhood issues, having an alcoholic father. I didn’t know what to do with it, all I knew is that it felt suffocating at times.


On top of that, I felt an external...

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I got in a fight with Whit Dec 03, 2020


Sometimes Whitney and I fight!!  We have built a business on a foundation of us being connected and in love - we did that on purpose!!  We WANTED the inspiration to FIND SOLUTIONS instead of numb, pout, and hide.  Well worked.

I had a BIG BREAKTHROUGH a few nights back...

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Taking Risks in Real Life Nov 04, 2020

 I was an EXPERT high school math teacher - On the first day of school you could hear me welcoming my new students with, "Welcome to your FAVORITE class this year."  I was confident ...and I could deliver.

Then one fine day I left that world and set out to build a business -...

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Allowing Disappointment Oct 21, 2020


BIG BELIEF is just so scary because it creates opportunity for BIG DISAPPOINTMENT!  I suppose you could just believe small, achieve small, love small, and live small, but if you're reading this - those kinds of solutions are not an option for you!

The best solution is to build...

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