Building From Peace not Pressure Oct 15, 2020


It's described as continuous force exerted on or against.

When growing in business or a business it’s easy to fall into pressure.

- Constantly thinking of work when you’re not working.
- Not having boundaries on work in your personal life.
- Justifying being stressed most...

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Laughing Through the Heavy Stuff Oct 08, 2020


The best word to describe the time we've spent with Lindsey is DELIGHTFUL.  As we worked with her and watched her grow through over 65lbs of weight loss, we would consistently find ourselves blown away by 2 things:

1. Lindsey's willingness to hold her story loosely.  She had...

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Your Worth is NOT a Number on a Scale Sep 24, 2020


When Chelsie started her time with Steadfast Life Coaching, her biggest obstacle was that she didn't believe she was worth the tough choices required to reach her goals.  She was plagued by lies running on repeat in her mind that had been so well practiced they now felt like truth.


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Feeling Offended, This Could Be Why Sep 18, 2020

Lately, I've been doing some deep forgiveness work on my dad. If you don't know my story, in a nutshell, my dad was a Ranger in Vietnam. He struggled with severe PTSD and alcoholism. He's a good man, but tormented by post-war illnesses. 

I forgave him years ago, for all the trauma I...

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Life After People Pleasing Sep 10, 2020


You've been there before.  You're committed.  You've got a plan.  You've prepped your veggies and protein.  This is the week you're going to make the changes.  And then it begins:

  • "Mom - I'm not going to be able to eat before practice tonight." 
  • "Is it OK if...
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No More Shame: The battle is not with food Sep 03, 2020

As a person of faith, I’d pray, “Jesus, help me to stop emotionally eating and giving into cravings.”

It wouldn’t be long after that prayer, I’d be in the pantry eating spoons of Nutella or a bag of chips.

Quickly, I’d feel flooded with guilt, “...

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Blog: Errors are Your Pathway to Success Aug 28, 2020

 “I’ve failed so many times that I’ve lost belief in myself” is the fastest way to QUITTING on what you want. That's a deadly thought, yet soo common!

Here's the TRUTH: Repeatable success is built FROM making ERRORS and LEARNING from them.

Yes, you read that...

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The 5am Trade. Is it worth it? Aug 27, 2020


Whit and I break down our path through the obstacles to becoming "morning people."  The biggest game changer was getting honest about what we'd have to give up and what we would gain.  Having the TRUTH on the table ...NOT just the story we were telling ourselves ...allowed to us...

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How to Overcome "Impossible" Aug 12, 2020


As Whit and I get back to life after taking 12 teenagers on a 7-day wilderness adventure, we reflect on some of the insights that came up while the kids were staring at challenges with NO BELIEF that success was possible.  Then what they learned as they leaned into the impossible...

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Is Backwards Really Worse? Jul 13, 2020



Whit and I went on a 5-day mountain climbing expedition.  There were so many things that happened, so many choices that had outcomes, so many times we tried to evaluate if those outcomes were better or worse than before we took action.  At the end of the day, things that...
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You've Got to Believe it to See it Jul 13, 2020



 "I'll believe it when I see it" - we've all thought it, we've probably all said it, but what if the entire premise is wrong.

Every time I've tried to chase down a scary goal or make a big change in my life I do a risk/reward or cost/benefit analysis in my head. ...

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The POWER in Forgiveness Jun 06, 2020


Responsibility is not blame - responsibility is your ABILITY to respond, it is taking ownership of reality instead living within the fantasy of what SHOULD be.

Responsibility and Freedom are directly proportional - the more responsibility you take in your life, the more...

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