Safety Second - Is your love affair with safety holding you back Feb 08, 2022

When you set out on an adventure, people love to say, “Be safe out there.” …and I totally get what they mean, but the TRUTH is that being safe is NOT why we got there.

In school we’d always hear adults sayin, “Safety first.” - but I believe that is why so...

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The Unshakeable Power of Acceptance Jan 25, 2022

We all believe that holding our standards and demanding people rise to meet them is a powerful stance - but it is NOT!!

The most powerful person in the room is the person who does not need anyone in the room to do or be any particular thing in order for them to be okay.

The person who has the...

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Forgiveness. Your NEW F-Word Jan 18, 2022

Cognitively we KNOW that forgiveness is a good thing, but what about our safety?

If I forgive, doesn’t that just let them off the hook?

Doesn’t it remove ANY accountability for their actions?

How will they learn their lesson?

Won’t people just walk all over me?

Let’s take...

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Choosing to Love.. Jan 11, 2022

Whit and Jake are Christian Life Coaches at Steadfast Life Coaching.  We bridge the gap between the secular wisdom of the self-help world and the transformative power of faith in Jesus.

Apply for a FREE breakthrough Session:

Learn about VIP...

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How to Have a Game you can Trust Jan 04, 2022

Dr. Bob Rotella puts it in his book "Golf is Not a Game of Perfect”:

"The trusting mentality is essential for getting ready to play competitively. If you want to be able to trust your swing on the golf course, you have to spend time doing it on the practice tee. Human beings are creatures...

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The Art of Disappointing People Dec 14, 2021

“I can’t disappoint people - I just have a big heart” - Do you? Or are you really just avoiding the emotion that comes up when your actions don’t match someone else’s expectation?

Disappointing people is simply a name we give to the experience of making choices that...

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How to Handle Guilt Dec 07, 2021

There is NO benefit to guilt!!  Okay ...maybe there’s a tiny miniscule benefit, but the way you show up in guilt is so unhealthy that even THAT doesn’t get to add value to your life.

So what DOES it look like to show up WELL in guilt?

  1. You don’t over explain yourself
  2. You...
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How to Make Decisions without the Anxiety Nov 30, 2021

Skip the “pros and cons list” it’s ineffective and it leads you to this stressful place where your decision making skill is more like future predicting skill.  If I have to know the future to make good choices ...then yes, I am definitely living in stress!!

So what if you...

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4 Myths about Weight Loss get BUSTED by Whit Nov 23, 2021

The thing about myths is that they tend to keep us in a box.  Then we use the limits of the box to determine if we’re doing good or bad - and if we are or are not capable of success in the future.

In this episodes, Whit Busts these FOUR MYTHS about weightloss

  1. I MUST eat perfectly at...
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Ditch the Food Guilt - how to stop feeling guilty after you eat ‘bad’ food Nov 16, 2021

It’s a pretty common cycle when you’re trying to change an eating habit - restrict, overeat, guilt, restrict nauseum.  The big error is actually WHERE we attempt to disrupt this cycle.  Right in the little space between restrict and fail.

The REAL culprit is the...

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Super Hero Syndrome - The day life taught me that I am NOT superman Nov 09, 2021

I've wanted to be the hero since I can remember.  My first concussion came from jumping off of a boulder onto my dad without him knowing because I had seen the hero do it on TV.

Unfortunately that incident was not enough to teach me the danger of the love affair with swooping to the...

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Food Confessions - Food, Emotion, and finding your authority Nov 02, 2021

You open the fridge, you see the cupcakes, you’re tired - it’s been a long day, you decide to just eat one, then you feel terrible.  WHY would I eat that at 10pm??  Now the one next to it starts to look really good - and you know where it goes from here.

Whit and Jake do it...

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