Episode #40 Become a Fanatical Fan of YOURSELF Jul 19, 2018


I've played in a lot of sporting events both home and away.  I've felt the difference between support and heckling.  As a 5-9 inch volleyball player, the wasn't one away game I played where I didn't hear some variation of, "Hey number 7, the NCAA agreed to a new rule this year,...

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Episode #39 Emotional Adulthood: Examples of Mastery Jul 12, 2018


What if one of your worst nightmares became an actual event in your life story?  Imagine that you hear about a fire within 50 miles of your house - you're a positive person, so you decide to keep a cool head and be responsible.  You make the choice to evacuate ...just to be...

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Episode #38 Why is it so HARD to be a Grown-Up? Jul 05, 2018


Have you ever played sports with an injury?  It's a vulnerable spot to be in.  There are very real limitations to how you'll be able to perform, so you're faced with a choice:

Compete, or don't compete ...or compete, but blame your shortcomings on your injury. 

Now the...

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Episode #37 Why would I WANT to be responsible? Jul 02, 2018


 "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."  

Why would I want to take responsibility when the OTHER person is in the wrong?  Basically there are three reasons that get...

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Episode #36 You're Never the Victim Jun 21, 2018


Our life is filled with events - and those events determine our experience ...or DO they???  Jack Canfield says that our experience is actually the SUM of our life's events PLUS our response.  That's a big deal it means that we have a say over our own experience of life.  ...

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Episode #35 You're Allowed to LOVE Jun 14, 2018

Have you ever been in a situation where you simply decide to show kindness ...even though the odds are against any chance you would have received it if the tables were turned?  Those moments are powerful reminders that kindness, thoughtfulness, and love are not really about actions being...

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Episode #34: Marshmallows, Math, and Maslow Jun 07, 2018

I like to drink Dr Pepper, but sometimes I choose not to.  Why is that?  Well for starters, if I choose to hydrate instead of drink Dr Pepper, I have less shoulder pain, I have less knee pain, I get to workout without so much pain, so I workout more often.  I have workout...

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Episode #33 When you Hike, don't Forget to Trip May 31, 2018

Whitney and my "getting to know you" phase included A LOT of hiking.  I liked this because it's one of the areas of life that the deck is stacked in my favor :)  As I was hiking along one day, doing my best to seem manly and fearless - yet compassionate, Whitney just started...

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Episode #32 I Think there's ALWAYS a Thought May 24, 2018

If you've heard Whitney's story of personal growth, weight-loss, and mastering her cravings, you've heard her say, "I tried every solution I could think of, but it wasn't until I changed my thoughts that I found success." - Quick side note, if you HAVEN'T heard her story, WHAAAAAT???  You'll...

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Episode #31 Do you know what you're Trading? May 17, 2018

In the move "Stand and Deliver" Jaime Escalante delivers the powerful line:
"All you see is the turn.  You don't see the road ahead."  (1min clip)

I have been guilty of making the same choice over and over until it becomes my default without taking the time to step back and see what I'm...

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How to Create More Self-love and Happiness in Your Life May 07, 2018

Self-love is an important part of living well and being happy. Which is partially why this month I’m focusing on fostering more self-love. I'm not talking about becoming more self-centered but being mindful of the thoughts I choose, practicing good self-care, and acceptance.


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Episode #29 Old Dogs and New Tricks May 03, 2018

Let's face it, we live in a culture that is obsessed with results.  Often that works against us when we are looking to learn something new.  The cultural expectations put a lot of "shoulds" in our minds.  I should have started this when I was younger.  I should have...

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