"My Brain is a Sacred Place" - A.E. Doherty Nov 01, 2019


Bad acting comes from the misconception that it's all about actions.  Anne Elise Doherty is a professional actress trained in the Meiser Method and she explains how the good actors can act authentically even though they're not being themselves.  This could be a game changing...

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Meditation. What's Really Real? Oct 17, 2019

One thing I've learned about meditation is this ...it is UNIQUE to each person.  Everyone seems to have a different style and different reason.  Whitney and I are no exception!!  We both take different approaches, but we do agree on why it's worth the effort - and it's NOT just...

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The TwoJays Oct 04, 2019


"Failing isn't OK ...it's mandatory" - Trevor Ragan

Failing feels LAME - so we tend to either JUSTIFY (pretend we didn't fail) or JUDGE (Decide that the failure means we ARE A FAILURE).  The problem is that both of these responses prevent us from the value of the failure ...the...

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Claim Your Power Sep 17, 2019


We tend to place an incredible value on evidence - but there are so many significant aspects of our life where the evidence is NOT conclusive.  In this episode, you will challenge the default obligation to evidence and explore the true power that exists when you see the credibility in...

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Just Show Up with Christen Sussin Sep 04, 2019


What if you didn't have to control it all?  What if you weren't in charge of other people's feelings?  What if you didn't have to decide in advance if you would be chosen for the part?  What if you didn't have to parent just right so you controlled how the world responded to...

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YES! And... with Christen and David Sussin Aug 22, 2019



Most of the suffering we experience in life comes from the difference between our expectations and "What Is."  The audience's suffering during an improv comedy show comes from actors attempting to force there expectations instead of accepting "What Is."   

So here's...

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Contagious Clarity via Tony Robbins Jul 18, 2019


Lessons from Whit and my trip to Dallas for Unleash the Power Within 2019

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Maybe - but Let's Find Out Jun 20, 2019



Plan EXECUTE Evaluate Adjust

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When a Plan Comes Together Jun 03, 2019



Plan Execute Evaluate Adjust

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Practicing New Beliefs Part 2 Jan 31, 2019



One morning of The Six Man – our team was a little flat.  We knew it – shoot, most of us were coaches!!  We could feel it and knew that if we couldn’t turn the tide – if we couldn’t shift the momentum, then we’d lose, but didn’t...

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Practicing NEW Beliefs Part 1 Jan 17, 2019


Have you ever lost your cool in an argument on social media ...me too.  Usually because the OTHER person is refusing to live by the FACTS I am offering.  Well it's a FACT that attempting to change a belief by bombarding it with facts is ineffective ...so I guess I am the one not...

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