How to make your Stress Reducing Changes actually STICK for the long term Oct 26, 2021


1. Take on the IDENTITY FIRST, then work toward the action
2. Use your VALUES to build a lifestyle
3. Learn to watch out for AVOIDANCE
4. FORGIVE and communicate BOLDLY
5. Give because you CHOOSE GENEROSITY
6. Make a CUE based plan


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Masks, Vaccines, COVID, and the People you Love Oct 19, 2021

What do you do when the people you love have the opposite view as you on the day’s hot button issue?  What if it’s your coworker that you see everyday ...or your parents, your kids, or your spouse?

How do you stay in the conversation when the conversation feels shut down right...

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Whit’s Take on Stress Oct 12, 2021

Whit’s stress management style is extremely effective and a bit different than Jake’s.  She treats stress as an emotion and uses her breath and meditation as effective ways to dance with it.

It is important to Whit that she doesn’t attack, resist, or attempt to escape from...

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How to Handle Stress Oct 05, 2021

The Holidays are fast approaching and Whit and I hear so much about the “stress” of the time period.  In this video we decided to tackle the topic head on!!

  1. We built a scouting report around stress
  2. We learned to recognize it in all 5 of its forms (Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn,...
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Steadfast Life Coaching
Faith. Adventure. Purpose. The Impact of Identity
Faith. Adventure. Purpose. The Impact of Identity Sep 28, 2021

Your identity becomes a filter through which all possibilities for your life must pass.  That makes the ability and desire to adjust the settings on that filter extremely important.

If you a business builder, you know first hand that your business has an identity of it’s own - and THAT...

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Title: Is the Baby a Boy or a Girl? Sep 14, 2021

We’ve got a few more days of waiting to find out if we’re having a boy or a girl, so we’re taking this opportunity to look at some of the mindset strategies surrounding expectations, control, and disappointment.

Especially that disappointment is 100% determined by expectation...

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How to Remain Steadfast Sep 07, 2021


Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, remain Steadfast. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

1 Corinthians 15:58


Steadfast ...immovable ...unwavering.  What images do these...

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The Danger of Thinking you Know Aug 31, 2021

There’s an incredibly common message in the growth community that you don’t need to know “The How” - It is a POWERFUL message that combats the belief that we need to know exactly what to do in order to do anything properly.  


There’s a subtle other,...

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Ask Steadfast: How to be Kind to Yourself Aug 24, 2021


This is probably the 3rd most common myth we hear on a daily basis ...If I’m nice to myself, I’ll let myself off the hook and I’ll become complacent, lazy, and stagnant.


I’d try to be more gentle and open minded with this  ...but it’s just plain...

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Lessons from 365 Days of Meditation Aug 17, 2021

After a vasectomy reversal, Jake was looking for exercise and the ONLY option was to walk slowly.  Jake decided to use the time for meditation and before long he fell in love with the practice and continued the daily practice for an entire year.

In this episode, Jake explains how 365...

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Whit Summited Mt. Langley ...PREGNANT Aug 10, 2021

Whit Summited Mt. Langley ...PREGNANT

Whit and I had just returned from a fast paced 60 mile backpacking trip in the Sierras where Whit had noticed her body doing some strange things:

Waves of nausea

Dizzy spells

Easily fatigued

It was interesting ...but all could be chalked up to the elevations...

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Ask Steadfast: How to set REALISTIC goals. Plus eating healthy with kids Aug 03, 2021

In this video series they answer YOUR questions for your entertainment as well as your growth.


How do you set realistic goals?


Every time I get honest about the goals I REALLY want in my life I just blow them off because they’re so unrealistic, but the realistic goals...

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